
I'm in love!

..with Lightroom, that is.

Last night, I was playing around my LR and decided to search for some presets to download. I then found out this was probably the best thing I have searched on the internet in a long time. Not only I was able to find many easy-to-use presets, I was ecstatic that I didn't have to work too hard to achieve what I wanted done. Thus, another reason that I am in love with LR.

I have become more and more familiar with this amazing photo editing software. It is fairly easy to use, and it saves tons of time. If you are just getting to know LR and want to learn what presets are, this and this sites are extremely helpful. It is also from these two websites that I found my downloads.

Let me show you why I have fallen in love with LR:


Edited through LR and its many presets:

Now you see what I mean? All I have left to do is to adjust the finer details: exposure, contrast, sharpening, etc. No more spending five minutes on one photo. No more worrying whether or not your photo looks too red. Or green. Or blue. Or orange.

If you are contemplating on whether or not to use LR--contemplate no more. Go for it. Dive in. Take the plunge. You will not regret it, I promise.


Emily September 24, 2009 at 7:36 AM  

I can see why you're "in love". Those presets are wonderful...and when you mention how it saves tons of time...that's always a big plus for me. Is it really that easy. I still hesitate because of the additional cost and because it's another additional thing to learn. I feel like I still haven't even covered the basics on what I have now...but oh, I'm so tempted. With everything I hear, I'm inching closer and closer to that move.

Suki September 24, 2009 at 8:43 AM  

I just knew you would love it :)
Good that you found some presets which work really well for you :)

Yelena R. September 24, 2009 at 9:45 AM  

I was wondering about Lightroom...right now I'm just using some free software, but I know i should move up. I have a few questions. Do you think Lightroom is enough, without Photoshop? Also, does Lightroom do batch editing?

Unknown September 26, 2009 at 6:40 AM  

Oh my gosh! I just love it. I only have elements and I barely know anything on that yet, so I wonder if I should get another program. I just don't know... Great picture too! You are doing so wonderful with your photography Rosina! So, wonderful!

Lisa Webb September 30, 2009 at 9:59 PM  

I am so trying lightroom now, thanks for the heds up, also can i say how much i love this photo, an ipod and a book. Wow says alot about our culture right?! Very cool!



week 18

week 18

week 31

week 31

About me

I am a wife to a loving, thoughtful husband, a mother of two little angels. Because of my husband's job, we have relocated from New Jersey to Los Angeles three years ago. I miss everything back East..NYC, Gray's Papaya, the subway..but know that LA is where God wants us to be right now. His grace is sufficient; I can't live through a day without depending on Him. My love affair with photography began when I was sixteen years old, when I saw a photograph taken by my cousin at South Seaport in NYC--it was a light switch turned on somewhere inside me. When I came home, I dove into photography. Since then, I've always had a burning desire to pursue photography. It was unfortunately cut short due to choosing another field of study during my college years..not until I became a stay-at-home mom and a God-given opportunity early this year, I was able to finally reunite with this passion..and the rest is history.


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