

I've mentioned this in my previous post, randomness can sometimes surprise you..in a good way. One of my favorite things to do with this thing that has permanently attached to my body, I call it a camera, is to photograph randomness. Random things, random people, random moments. In my mind, I believe that anything can happen at any time, at any place. One way for me to practice on getting better in capturing this kind of random moments, is to really do the capturing part.

Sunday afternoon. Long Beach, California. Shoreline Village, where the Queen Mary rests.

Really. The next time when you go somewhere, take your camera with you. I challenge you to step out of your comfort zone, don't be afraid, and capture some randomness. Chances are, many will come out better than you will expect. And some, will surprise you, in a good way.


Suki September 30, 2009 at 2:11 AM  

I'm always afraid of stepping out of my comfort zone. Mostly I take my camera with me and end up not taking any pictures..
I do take pictures of randomness, when I can hide or the people don't see me. I see, I have to work on this.

The Animator's Wife October 1, 2009 at 10:11 AM  

I admire your boldness so much. I am a wimp when it comes to shooting strangers.

And you should use this spot for a location shoot sometime. It has lots of possibility!

Unknown October 3, 2009 at 3:55 PM  

Great advice : )



week 18

week 18

week 31

week 31

About me

I am a wife to a loving, thoughtful husband, a mother of two little angels. Because of my husband's job, we have relocated from New Jersey to Los Angeles three years ago. I miss everything back East..NYC, Gray's Papaya, the subway..but know that LA is where God wants us to be right now. His grace is sufficient; I can't live through a day without depending on Him. My love affair with photography began when I was sixteen years old, when I saw a photograph taken by my cousin at South Seaport in NYC--it was a light switch turned on somewhere inside me. When I came home, I dove into photography. Since then, I've always had a burning desire to pursue photography. It was unfortunately cut short due to choosing another field of study during my college years..not until I became a stay-at-home mom and a God-given opportunity early this year, I was able to finally reunite with this passion..and the rest is history.


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