
Yes, I Can Wait

Yesterday was one of the saddest days in my life. I say, one of the, because I know that as a mother, each year marks another sad year when you see your children growing, and I know there will be many more of those years coming.

You see, Caleb turned three yesterday.

It's so hard to believe, that once-a-bundle-of-joy little thing has grown to become an individual who is capable of thinking on his own, making his own decisions, and at times, making his mother go nuts.

As I look at his little face, I am reminded everyday, that even when he makes his mother go nuts at times, I am so blessed to have him as my son. I am so grateful for him, I can't get enough of him..but I can wait till the day he will leave me for another woman...

Happy 3rd birthday, baby..I love you.


Emily September 5, 2009 at 10:35 AM  

Happy Birthday to Caleb! I hope it was a fun one for him. I agree, even though each age brings its own challenges, it also brings its own blessings. Every year that passes is bittersweet...and I'm with you...I think I can wait. :-)

Anonymous September 5, 2009 at 10:54 AM  

Happy Birthday little Caleb. I hope he had a fun day celebrating his special day!

ARK September 6, 2009 at 8:20 AM  

Congrats to both of you! 3 is SO much better than 2!



week 18

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week 31

week 31

About me

I am a wife to a loving, thoughtful husband, a mother of two little angels. Because of my husband's job, we have relocated from New Jersey to Los Angeles three years ago. I miss everything back East..NYC, Gray's Papaya, the subway..but know that LA is where God wants us to be right now. His grace is sufficient; I can't live through a day without depending on Him. My love affair with photography began when I was sixteen years old, when I saw a photograph taken by my cousin at South Seaport in NYC--it was a light switch turned on somewhere inside me. When I came home, I dove into photography. Since then, I've always had a burning desire to pursue photography. It was unfortunately cut short due to choosing another field of study during my college years..not until I became a stay-at-home mom and a God-given opportunity early this year, I was able to finally reunite with this passion..and the rest is history.


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