
i♥faces week 33--Nostalgia

Wow am I late..I really had no intention in entering this week's challenge. Not only it *is* a challenge to find a photo that fits the theme, but I was going to take a break from it--all the anticipations and excitements wear me out (if this makes sense at all).

But I was just going through some old photo albums, and I found something.

This is Farrington Lake in Central New Jersey, where my husband grew up. When he was a boy he used to live right by the lake. He and his brothers had many years exploring in the woods and fishing right by the lake. This past summer, we took our son to the same place where his Daddy grew up. It was a fun experience seeing the two sitting right by each other; feeling two completely different sensations: my husband, feelings of nostalgia, and my son, feelings of new adventures.


The Animator's Wife August 25, 2009 at 10:34 PM  

Daddy's shirt says "California" too. How perfect! The past and the present colliding!

Love the diagonal and your comp too!

Anonymous August 26, 2009 at 2:20 AM  

Love the picture. How he looks over the lake, with a lot of hope and dreams in his eyes.
Great picture!

Emily August 26, 2009 at 6:32 AM  

Sounds like a beautiful place...and to live right by the lake (sigh). The pic is so sweet and as usual, I love your eye for composition. The expression on your son's face is also just perfect. :)



week 18

week 18

week 31

week 31

About me

I am a wife to a loving, thoughtful husband, a mother of two little angels. Because of my husband's job, we have relocated from New Jersey to Los Angeles three years ago. I miss everything back East..NYC, Gray's Papaya, the subway..but know that LA is where God wants us to be right now. His grace is sufficient; I can't live through a day without depending on Him. My love affair with photography began when I was sixteen years old, when I saw a photograph taken by my cousin at South Seaport in NYC--it was a light switch turned on somewhere inside me. When I came home, I dove into photography. Since then, I've always had a burning desire to pursue photography. It was unfortunately cut short due to choosing another field of study during my college years..not until I became a stay-at-home mom and a God-given opportunity early this year, I was able to finally reunite with this passion..and the rest is history.


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