I ♥ faces week 39--My Favorite Things
Alright. So this week over at

there is no contest.
Whew. Yep. No stressing out this week, no guessing who's going to win, no darn-I-thought-my-photo-was-pretty-good-but-I-was-wrong. Instead, it's a nice, simple, mellow getting-to-know you week. Actually, getting-to-know-me week.
A few of my favorite things...
Coffee (but not necessarily Starbucks). I need it in order to function in the morning. Yes, I have morphed into that type of person. I need my caffeine in order to function.

Food. I. LOVE. Food. But not just any food. I have adapted my husband's side of culture. South American BBQ. They call it Asado. It's the real stuff.

My Rainbows. Oh, these are the most comfortable, versatile, good-looking beach sandals exited. If you don't know anything about Rainbows, you are missing out. I have had my pair since college--and that's a long time. Lifetime guarantee. That's right.

Sales. Yes, just any sales. But especially Nordstrom sales. Anniversary, half yearly, whatever (Although, my husband's not too thrilled about me taking my son there).

My children's feet. I don't know why. I can't explain. I just love to look at their feet. Maybe it's because they are so small, maybe it's because they are so chubby..maybe, it's because they are my children's feet. I'm responsible for such cuteness.

New York City. Enough said.

My books. Especially my Francine Rivers, and my vampire books. (Do you like it that I put them together?)

Spring. No, not spring here in California, but spring in New Jersey. My husband's home state, where he was born and raised. Everything looks so new, so vibrant, so..green.

Old things. I love stories. I believe old things tell stories, in ways only old things can.

Vacationing. Each year I look forward to going back to New Jersey for the summer. Because that means food, New York City, and family. Nothing feels better than seeing my husband bonds with his four brothers. Nothing beats seeing the boys being boys (you can't really tell here..but there is actually a 30-ft. drop under the railroad tracks. There is a river running through right beneath the boys..right beneath me when I took this photo).

Black & White photos. Like I said, I like old things. Black & White photos will always be classy, timeless. Black & White photos remind me of the old days, where everything was what it was supposed to be.

Catching random moments. A moment like this is priceless: My daughter, who is only 16 months old, showing her personality. The if-my-older-brother-can-do-it-then-so-can-I attitude.

Lastly, friends. Friendship is important to me. Without my friends, I would not be who I am today.

Now, what are some of your favorite things?

Oh my, what's not to love about South American BBQ? Mmmm...
I remember the first time in New Jersey. I was shocked out how many trees there were! I guess I had always thought it to be completely urban. It was surprisingly beautiful!
Great pics and lots to cherish! (And those little kid feet are too precious!).
I agree with you on so many things, especially coffee, since it's morning :)
LOVE your BBQ and NYC pics...fabulous. :)
Rosina, you thought of some great ones. My favorite from yours...that South American BBQ...yum, yum, yummy and of course...New York. That's another place I'd love to visit again...and soon.
Beautiful pictures! Thanks for letting us into your life for the day.
This is my favorite things post I saw today. I just love it Rosina! Love it so much : ) Great list!
Your favorite things post is one of my favorite things today! Your photos are beautiful.
Absolutely beautiful photos! I especially love the little bare feet - too precious!
Flip-flops and BBQ are definitely in my list of faves! Great photos. Which dSLR did you get? Canon or Nikon? =)
yay! I love my Rainbows, too. And my morning caffeine fix (and just tonight, I'm feeling like it might be the beginning of the season where I have a nice cuppa at night, too).
and, hehe. Francine Rivers and Stephenie Meyer side by side. That's funny!
Great post! I love all of the pics! I have to have coffee too, love the starbucks pic. Oh my word, that yellow truck. My heart skipped a beat! Is it yours? I will own a vintage truck one day. Sigh...
Great shots and entry. I LOVE all your pictures. I can relate to the kiddos feet LOL.
Thanks for sharing your faves... I love my kids feet and piggies too!!
Oh, the kiddos feet thing...adorable. I also love my li'l girls feet! And sales...rock on. :) I also really, really like Francine Rivers!
Loved your photos, Your baby feet look so adorable and well, you BBQ delicious! =)
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