
{Siblings}--Newport Beach, California

Thanks to Facebook these days, I was able to reconnect, and stay in touch with many of my friends from high school. Through this addicting, I mean, useful social network, I was able to reconnect with one of them.

Amber, who was literally my *first* friend when I first transferred to Whittier Christian High School eons ago, is now a mother of four. Yes, FOUR! I was so delightfully excited to meet her beautiful children this past weekend.

By the end of the shoot, I couldn't help but think, Amber is a super mom. Four little ones, 4X the energy that she has to deal with each day...but she's always kept a light, positive attitude. God bless her heart.


Anonymous August 30, 2009 at 2:03 PM  

Rosina, these pictures are beautiful. Especially the black and white one with the little boy.
This location must be awesome.
Great work!

Emily August 30, 2009 at 4:55 PM  

Wow, to reconnect and actually meet up with an old childhood friend...how wonderful is that. I recently got in touch with my old roommate from grad school too...through the blogging world...from Sarah's (the animator's wife) blog. They don't know each other but she had left a comment. I happened to notice her pic and I got in touch with her just in time...she was moving that day from Germany to Portugal. They provide a retreat for missionaries. Anyway, long story short, the Lord really does work in amazing ways. BTW, great photos...looks like it didn't take long to feel like old friends again. :-) Also, thanks for the congrats...I really appreciate it.

Yelena R. August 30, 2009 at 6:35 PM  

Wow the sunlight is beautiful! Looks like the lighting was perfect. Beautiful photos!



week 18

week 18

week 31

week 31

About me

I am a wife to a loving, thoughtful husband, a mother of two little angels. Because of my husband's job, we have relocated from New Jersey to Los Angeles three years ago. I miss everything back East..NYC, Gray's Papaya, the subway..but know that LA is where God wants us to be right now. His grace is sufficient; I can't live through a day without depending on Him. My love affair with photography began when I was sixteen years old, when I saw a photograph taken by my cousin at South Seaport in NYC--it was a light switch turned on somewhere inside me. When I came home, I dove into photography. Since then, I've always had a burning desire to pursue photography. It was unfortunately cut short due to choosing another field of study during my college years..not until I became a stay-at-home mom and a God-given opportunity early this year, I was able to finally reunite with this passion..and the rest is history.


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